The truth is that in today's world of fear based news, the mass media creating division, the stresses of work and a worldwide pandemic,
it's easier than ever to find ourselves out of balance in life.
When we are out of balance we find ourselves stressed, in bad health, our relationships suffer, we don't sleep well, "bad luck" seems to find us, and things just generally don't go our way.
Have you ever felt that way?
If so, it's very possible that your life may be out of balance and you need to re-align yourself to the "Higher Intelligence" to find your center so you can naturally start attracting the things you want in life.
That's where The Silva Method comes in.
The Silva Method gives you various methods and techniques to get yourself naturally aligned with this "Higher Intelligence".
This is done through a process called "Dynamic Meditation & Visualization" where you learn to go into deeply relaxed states to access the Alpha and Theta levels.