Next Online Class Starts March 22nd & 23rd, 2025

Learn How To Create Any Result You Want In Life Faster Than Ever Using The Silva Life System 

Watch This Video To Learn How The Silva Life System Has Transformed Over 6 Million Lives

Why The Silva Life System?

The truth is that in today's world of fear based news, the mass media creating division, the stresses of work and a worldwide pandemic, it's easier than ever to find ourselves out of balance in life. 

When we are out of balance we find ourselves stressed, in bad health, our relationships suffer, we don't sleep well, "bad luck" seems to find us, and things just generally don't go our way.

Have you ever felt that way? 

If so, it's very possible that your life may be out of balance and you need to re-align yourself to the "Higher Intelligence" to find your center so you can naturally start attracting the things you want in life. 

That's where The Silva Life System comes in.

The Siva Life System teaches you various methods and techniques to get yourself naturally aligned with this "Higher Intelligence".

This is done through a process called "Dynamic Meditation & Visualization" where you learn to go into deeply relaxed states to access the Alpha and Theta levels. 
The Alpha and Theta states are where natural healing occurs and we can become a conscious creator of our lives.

When we access this "Higher Intelligence" we can literally become a bender of reality and create very specific outcomes of what we want to have happen in life. 

This is where life seems to effortlessly go your way, "good luck" shows up, your relationships are harmonious, your health is it at optimal levels, and you feel like you're on top of the world. 

The more you practice the methods taught in the Silva Life System, the faster things start to happen. If you make it a consistent daily practice I can guarantee that your life will forever change for the better. 

But don't just take my word for it, here are just a few students who I've trained that have had extraordinary results after taking the course:

Student Success Stories

"My Fibromyalgia healed through the techniques taught in the Silva Method.
I'm even using it to help other now"

"I was procrastinating for so long as I didn’t have the money. As soon as I decided to take it, money showed up! Course was excellent, the tools provided priceless, and I gained a group of friends. Thank you Stephen!"

"The Silva Method is the best self-development program I have ever taken"

"You will get more clarity of thoughts. I always had negative thoughts pop up in my  mind all the time. I used to get anxious, now with Silva Method I say “Cancel, cancel” then replace with positive ones. I feel relieved. And those negative thoughts are fading away."

"Five Thumbs Up for Silva Method with Stephen Dobos. I can finally sleep after 20 years of not being able to."

March 2025 - Silva Life System
with Stephen Dobos
Saturday, March 22nd & Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST
Online on Zoom

Here's What You Will Gain By Enrolling In The Silva Life System

Transform Chaos Into Flow

Everyone has stress. That’s unavoidable, but you can learn to deal with it in a constructive way. Silva gives you the tools to transform stress into clarity, creativity, and even relaxation. One of the first things you will learn in this adventure is how to put yourself into a deep level of meditation and use stress to your advantage.

Positive Thoughts = Positive Outcomes

Happiness is something that we all want. The techniques in the Silva Life System program help you uncover your life purpose, solve those problems that block you, and transform that negative inner voice into a positive, supportive mentality. There is no greater power than to realize that your mind is on your side.

Enhance Mind-Body Healing

In the Silva Life System you will learn a variety of mental visualization methods designed to accelerate your mind and body’s natural capacity for physical and emotional healing. These results have been studied and endorsed by a variety of medical practitioners.

Boost Your Creativity

Creativity is not just for artists—it’s a resourceful state of mind that leads to success. Studies show that creativity is enhanced when functioning at the alpha level. Experiencing the Silva Life System will teach you to enter the alpha level at will and then to use your creative mind to help you find solutions and let inspiration flow.

Achieve Powerful Goals

The methods you will learn in The Silva Life System will help you stop procrastinating and take the right action to make your goals a reality.

Mental Training & Performance Enhancement

Become a high-performance individual who has the mental clarity and stamina to create extraordinary results. You'll develop an agile mind and experience a constant state of mental flow.

Sleep Soundly & Wake Up Energized

The Silva Life System teaches you to “command” your mind to let you fall asleep when you choose to. You also learn to set your internal clock to be able to wake up anytime—without the use of an alarm clock. This is crucial because your body naturally attunes to your sleep cycles and allows you to wake up rested. Imagine how much more productive and energized you will be when you can depend on having a good night’s rest.

Use The Power Of Dreams

Throughout history, people have credited dreams with helping them develop new ideas and gain powerful insight. The inventor Elias Howe got a revelation on how to improve the sewing machine through a dream. Paul McCartney came up with the song “Yesterday” in a dream. The structure of the Carbon-6 molecule was discovered through a dream. With Silva Dream Control techniques you can use your dreams to help boost your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and inspiration.

Enhance Your Intuition

Silva recognizes that everyone is born with intuitive abilities, and that anyone who learns how to enhance these abilities can function at an optimum performance level. Through our proprietary scientific and time-tested process, you’ll learn how to use your innate psychic abilities for everyday problem-solving and decision-making, resulting in a happier, more successful, and more confident life.
March 2025 - Silva Life System
with Stephen Dobos
Saturday, March 22nd & Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST
Online on Zoom

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is It So Important To Do This Course With Live Instruction?

Home study courses can be great...except statistics show that less than 2% of students ever get past the first module of a home study course. This is because natural distractions occur, life gets in the way, and eventually it's forgotten about. 

When you enroll in this live course, you will be forced to make it a priority to engage in the trainings. Plus, you will probably have many questions which we will be able to answer on the spot. You'll also get to experience the magic that occurs when multiple people who all have the same intention to create amazing results in their lives get together and practice as one. That's one of the favorite parts our students comment on. 

Is it true i can re-take this course anytime for just $120?

Yes, once you graduate from the course, you will be able to take this course again for just $120 if you choose. So if two years from now you want to do a re-fresher you can signup for just $1200 and go through the entire course. Many students do this to stay sharp and on top of their personal growth. 

When is the next Silva Life system?

The next course runs this September. See dates and times below. It's live on Zoom and recorded for your reference.

Saturday, March 22nd & Sunday, March 23rd, 2025  from 9 AM - 6 PM EST / 6 AM - 3 PM PST

Follow Up Calls
Wednesday, April 2nd from 8:00- 9:00 PM EST
Wednesday, April 9th from 8:00- 9:00 PM EST
Wednesday, April 16th from 8:00- 9:00 PM EST
March 2025 Silva Life System
with Stephen Dobos
Saturday, March 22nd & Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST
Online on Zoom

Start Creating The Results You Want In Life By Learning The Silva Life System

The Silva Life System Is A Live Online Training Happening
March 22nd & 23rd, 2025

When You Enroll In The Silva Life System Course You Will Receive...

  • Silva Life System (Part 1) 20 hours of live training over 2 days
  • ​More than 17 techniques will be shared and practiced.
  • ​6+ hours of live guided meditation during the course
  • 3 Weeks of group coaching sessions on Wednesdays
  • 7 Weeks of online support, recordings, technique reviews, exercises, etc.
  • ​Community WhatsApp group to interact with members and share experiences
  • Silva Method Student Manual - Digital Copy 
  • Bean Experiment shipped to your home
  • ​Mental House Cleaning Ornament to encourage a positive mind set everyday
  • ​​Certificate of Completion and Silva Method ID card
  • ​​Lifetime Review Privileges - review at a discounted rate around the world for life
  • ​Free Monthly Review Zoom calls live with Stephen Dobos - always the 1st Wednesday of the month. Review techniques, ask questions, and connect with the Silva Community
  • Access to group Case Working and healing with others around the world

Total Value: $3500+

With early bird pricing pay just $987 CAD

"I told my wife that it was an amazing course. I learned a lot and I know I am going to transform myself to be a better human being."

"My first experience with Silva was 31 years ago when I went through a trauma and it was life changing. Last year, after serious COVID reactions, my husband Claude and I took an online Silva course which we both benefited from. But something was missing. Thanks to the Silva graduate offer of course review at a discount price, I decided to take Stephen’s zoom course which my husband was also interested in observing. Stephen’s hands-on approach was the missing factor that we needed to make the commitment. The follow up blew me away and continues to impress me. Gratitude, Joy & Love "

-Linda H.
"Hi Stephen,

Amazing session today, I was a little skeptical, but so happy now, great tools we received, even now still after a few hours after the course, looks like he monkey mind took a break :)"

"Meditations were my favourite part.  I released something from my forehead after meditation. I always had my fields in mind, I had dreams about the field I grew up in with my siblings. I don’t have any bad memories of the village and fields, but it;s always on my mind. I now feel  relieved. "

"Thanks for a great session last weekend, it was great. I started getting up on time at the exact time without my alarm."

"The 3 Finger Technique had made it easier for me to go into alpha quickly and use this method out in the real world. I use it daily on myself and family."

"Hello Stephen,

 I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful classes and all the help to be better and better every day."



If, after participating in the entire course, you feel that it hasn't met your expectations, I am more than willing to discuss any areas of the program that left you dissatisfied. Should you still find yourself unsatisfied after we have addressed all your concerns, I will promptly issue a refund. Please submit any requests for reimbursement in writing to by the end of the final day of the training.

Contact us!